Friday, August 7, 2009

of relationships and endings..

Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies.

Its like the plot draws viewers into thinking ...will they? won't they?... and at the end of it all they finally do and they're happy forever .. pfft honestly la.. gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half the ones that get married get divorced, anyway.. and i'm saying this now that through all this stuff, I have not become a cynic.. really! I haven't! Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies and, you know, in some cultures, a chicken (preferably with a head attached). You can call me a sucker, I don't care, 'cause I the end of the day.. believe in it. Bottom the couples that are truly right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but, the big difference is, they don't let it take 'em down.

and heres another thought..

99% of the time.. things rarely go exactly the way you want them to, so sometimes you make due with whatever you can get… Endings are never easy - I always build them up so much in my head they can’t possibly live up to my expectations, and I just end up disappointed. I’m not even sure why it matters to me so much how things end sometimes.. but i just do…

I guess it’s because we all want to believe that what we say or do is very important, that people hang onto our every word, that they care what we think. The fact of the matter is... is that you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone... anyone... feel a little better.

After that it’s all about the people that you let into your life.

crash out~

1 comment:

Aima Kessy said...

feeling this post...!