Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Unexpected Discovery

In case you guys are wondering, this is 1 of the artwork we send in for the ASTRO NEXTGEN CONTENTPRENEUR AWARDS competition. . .Anyway, today me and Iker were just randomly searching for videos in Youtube until we found out that somebody has uploaded many 3D animation video's from my college 0___o even this video of ours were uploaded. Anyway this shortfilm down here is a group project done by us the TLF members. Hope you guys enjoy it ^^. . .

This is the video we send into the competition. . .

The Way You Are - (TLF)

In case you are wondering why the voice sounds so familiar. . . . is actually me XD

Heavy Shell - Steven (CCB)

One of the best styling animation ever created in my college so far ^^ I really love this piece. . Great job =)

Red Roses - Suraj

This videos above are my seniors artwork, besides my group project work. . . actually me and Iker was searching for this cool video, before we stumbled into our own video. . . we are still wondering who uploaded it. . -__-""

This video here won some competition organise by Youtube. . . Really interesting experimental attempt. . . ^^


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