Monday, January 11, 2010


Its been awhile since we did any Light Graffiti or Painting.. our last project was a couple years back in 2007 when we were pretty new to it.. u can see it here and gosh we were quite the noobs back then.. not to say we're any better now but hey.. its a pretty hard technique to master ;)

PuPu Blaine..

Toilet signs..

.. speaking of toilet.. lol..

'i'm not a conjurer of cheap tricks!'

like what Dom said.. crash the angel...
...... of death?



spidermonkey~ lol
black magic woman

the sphere..
Ally's first attempt..
effects of add_wind's shuffling.. part one..
and part two..
thats pretty much it. We just wanted to get an idea of what and how to go about doing it but hopefully the next attempt will be better!
Be sure to stay tuned for episode 2!!

crash out~

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