Thursday, June 25, 2009

FishEYE2 - revenge of the Lomo

These are some of the fisheye shots taken starting with my mini birthday celebration with few close buddies and the visit to the botanical garden and also sovereign hill * more to come ! revenge is coming* ;)

the birthday boy - pupu - 22nd bthday!

jureen and pupu

jureen and jeffrey..

3of us*

mozes and bryan ! feel the heat*

aha funny expression from jureeen*sneeeezin

all of us together. thanks guys!

botanical garden cam whoring session*

beautiful view from the top facing down the waterfront.

the dessert *

the rainforest*

the field? :P

spikey aint safe

this shot is just one of the random shot taken in the city outside the botanical garden:P

Sovereign Hill. A mining town in Balarat Melbourne *

my fav shot * dont feed the sheeep.

trying my best to translate this chinese any1?

my time is ticking !

the scale and proportion of building and human :P

an old piano in an old church..

our tour guide giving us some advise before going down into the gold mine.

the ride of our life* no*

like this --> o.0

deep down inside.

u find this .. push the cart~*

the next mining break*

yeah. dangerous is fun. no access is not..

well..looking forward for more shots soon! stay tune!

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