Wednesday, February 6, 2008

edison! u dirty.. dirty boy!

haha i bet kennyville must be damn happy with the pics of gillian chung and cecilia chung being leaked out! haha! i know i am.. *nods head*

what the hell is the world coming to man.. can't a man just keep his pics or vids of his ex gf's sex tapes to himself!? one thing's for sure.. if u wana be famous.. just go make a sex tape and leak it . or have someone leak it.. tsk tsk tsk..

so anyway.. with all this that has been done edison decided to say sorry worr... check it out..

hah! frustrated.. heck yeah i'd be frustrated too if i was you mate.. tsk tsk tsk..
i wuddn't wanna be you now man.. but i DEFINITELY would've wanted to be u then.. :D :D
you know what i mean. . lol..

crash out!~~

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