Monday, September 10, 2007

Karaoke anyone?

Here's them original videos i told you about, i can't find the rest in my computer, but i think the rest of the crew has them. This video was made because Ken and Edwin's brother Derek (the smartest tech whiz i've ever met, not to mention a die-hard Arsenal fan -_-" haha) had to come up with an ad to introduce his new program for this "new program" competition held in Cyberjaya,MSC (i may need the rest to correct me on this though). His impressive new program won Derek the 1st runner up prize and man what a prize it was! So without further ado, here's the video starring an all-star cast featuring yours truly!
There's a famous cameo at the end of the video too.. so don't stop it before finishing the video.

More videos on the way...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Leon, your acting's horrendous!! Hahahaa!!!